Early Registration - Closes April 15
In-Person : $335
Virtual : $165

Regular Registration - Closes July 22
In-Person : $355
Virtual : $185

Late / at-the-door - Closes August 25
In-Person : $395
Virtual : $185

For the first time in many years, at our 2021 Annual Planning Conference, APA Arizona will be hosting not only planners from the Four Corners states but planners from all Western states! APA Arizona and Western Planner are coming together to create an event you won’t want to miss!

Loras Rauch, Conference Committee Chair, said: 

"I want to bring a broad coalition of professionals with different cultural, geographic, and generational backgrounds and lived experiences together and provide a space to network and learn from each other; sounds like a conference to me! As the Arizona Chapter representative to Western Planner, and now the Western Planner President-Elect, it was a natural fit for me to chair the 2021 joint conference. By bringing Western Planner and its network of planners who work in the scattered regions of the west to Arizona, I hope to show that we all have similar issues to face and therefore, more in common here in the west; and when we network and learn from each other we can accomplish more!"

The 2021 Western States Planning Conference will be held at the JW Marriott Camelback Inn Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona on August 22-25 where we will be “Breaking Boundaries, Creating Connections.

Jerry Stabley, APA Arizona Chapter President, claimed:

“What a privilege it will be to host the joint Western Planner/APA Arizona State Conference this year! We will have the opportunity to meet and learn from planners throughout the Western United States. We will also have a chance to show off the great work we are doing here in Arizona!”

This conference will be like no other you have attended in the past — it will be disruptive and innovative. Mark your calendars, and we will see you there!

Registration Open.jpg
Paul Moberly