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April 25, 2018: Critical Areas Monitoring & Adaptive Management Workshops in Moses Lakw, WA

Beyond Armwaving and Anecdotes: Are your critical areas ordinances being implemented effectively? Critical Areas Monitoring & Adaptive Management Workshops

Moses Lake - Eastern Washington Planners Forum

Big Bend Community College, 415 W 6th St.

April 25, 2018, 9:00 – 3:00 p.m.

The Washington State Departments of Commerce, Ecology, and Fish and Wildlife are conducting a series of workshops around the state on monitoring and adaptive management of critical areas ordinance implementation in early 2018. The workshops will provide tools for and get feedback from counties and cities on how to build local and state monitoring and adaptive management processes for critical areas permit implementation and effectiveness.

In this context, “monitoring” refers to monitoring or tracking of local government permit implementation and/or applicant compliance with mitigation requirements. And “adaptive management” refers to revising permit processes based on an evaluation of the results of monitoring permits or mitigation.

A Department of Commerce survey revealed that many local governments don’t have systematic ways to follow through on implementation of their permit processes and the on-the-ground results of critical areas regulation. It also showed many have an interest in building processes for monitoring or tracking permit implementation and mitigation
compliance, but have limited resources.

These workshops will review a new draft chapter in the Critical Areas Handbook, show how state High Resolution Change Detection Data can help local governments, share local approaches, and explore challenges and solutions to monitoring or tracking permit effectiveness. See the project web site for the draft chapter and updates on the workshop
details and agendas.

Workshop registration: Free: No charge to attend. Send an email with the workshop location, your name, title, email address, and agency to Times may change slightly, so please register so we can send you the most up to date information. Light lunch provided.
For more information: see the Critical Areas Monitoring and Adaptive Management Project web page or contact Heather Ballash at, (360) 725-3044.
