2020 Award Winners

Announcing the winners of this year’s Western Planner Awards. While our 2020 conference was cancelled, we will be releasing award videos of each winner in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

Planner of the Year Award
Joe Dills, Angelo Planning Group

Rural Innovation Award
Uniquely Driggs Comprehensive Plan; Driggs, Idaho

Sheldon Gerber Award
Waverly Klaw, AICP, Program Director with Sonoran Institute

Citizen Planner Award
Andrew Kjellman, AICP, PTP, Manager Transportation Planning, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada

Steadman People’s Choice Award
Land Use and Environmental Planning: History and Context by Dan Pava 

Planning Team of the Year
City of Cheyenne Planning & Development Department

President’s Award
Laura Paskus, Environmental Journalist

Lester Award
Sherwin Racehorse & Shelly Wade
for their hard work facing the challenges of establishing the Tribal Interest Group of APA

Paul Moberly