Featured Planner: Dee Caputo—new FAICP member, long-time Western Planner
by Brad Stebleton, Western Planner Secretary and Editorial Board Chair
It is with great pleasure that I announce the recent selection of Dee Caputo of Warden, Washington as a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners (FAICP).
I have known Dee for more than twenty years: we worked together extensively in her capacity as President of the Board of Directors of Western Planning Resources Inc. and during her many years as our Editorial Board Chair. She also served for several years in leadership positions with the Planning Association of Washington (PAW). Despite having a busy work schedule and family obligations, Dee never failed to step up when leadership was needed in these professional organizations. While serving in these volunteer positions, Dee was never content with merely maintaining the status quo—she always strove to improve these organizations and their service to professional planners. While engaged in these efforts, Dee was never afraid to “think outside the box” or try new things.
Dee Caputo (right) with fellow Western Planner legends Larry Weil and Joanne Garnett in the North Dakota Badlands.
Dee’s involvement in our profession goes beyond formal service in professional organizations. In her capacity as Western Planner’s Editorial Board Chair, Dee provided calm and consistent leadership. She never asked any of us to do something she was unwilling to do herself. While holding Board members to the highest standard of performance, she demanded no less of herself. During this time she authored no fewer than 39 articles that were published in the journal (which you can access here). As her successor for Editorial Board Chair, I can tell you that following in her footsteps was no easy task.
Dee also demonstrated uncommon leadership skills as the President of WPR. She served in this capacity while WPR was undergoing a period of transition, and faced numerous challenges, both from within and without. Like many small nonprofits, WPR was challenged financially during the Great Recession of 2008. Through it all, Dee provided inspirational and confident leadership, working with our Treasurer and the other Board members to make certain that WPR emerged from that economic downturn in an even stronger financial position than before. While she was President, Dee also faced a very difficult personal and professional situation involving a colleague and friend from her home state. Despite her long friendship with this individual, Dee stayed out of the deliberations and let the process work itself out. She never used her position in any way to attempt to influence the outcome of this very difficult situation.
Hosting a regional planning conference is no small endeavor. Despite this, when it was PAW’s turn to host the annual Western Planner Conference in Wenatchee in 1998 and in Vancouver in 2010, Dee was front and center both times. She played a big part in planning and organizing these events, not only working long hours herself, but drawing in many other planners from around her state to help out. These conferences were two of the most successful ever held by WPR.
As a county planner and a planner with a state agency serving rural communities, Dee faced numerous challenges throughout her long and distinguished career. But she always overcame them with her trademark smile and quick wit intact. With the cancellation of the National Planning Conference in Houston we will be delayed in honoring Dee in person. Until then, let’s each honor this legendary Western Planner in our own way!