In Memoriam: Kenneth "Ken" Waido
It's with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ken Waido. Ken was instrumental in the development of The Western Planner, serving as its first president after incorporation in 1989. He served as the Treasurer from 2001-2013, and a board member for 30 years (1984-2014) representing Colorado. He was the chief organizer for the highly successful 1986 Western Planner Conference in Fort Collins. Professionally he served as planner in the City of Fort Collins from 1976-2013. The Western Planning community will greatly miss Ken.
In his personal life, Ken was married to his wife Colleen for 46 years, the father of 4 children, and the grandfather of 7.
Read a personal tribute to Ken by Larry Weil, WP Board Member, here.
Ken with his friends at a Western Planner conference.
Ken Waido, middle - fourth from left