Donate (Individual)
There is great value in being part of a network that transcends formal connections and results in friendships borne of shared experiences, celebrating building better communities.
— Dan Pava, FAICP

Help support the communities of the West as we work together to strengthen their planning. The Western Planner is a non-profit supported through tax-exempt donations. Every dollar counts!

You can pay online or send us a check to Western Planning Resources: P.O. Box 50145; Casper, WY 82605.


To build up the West, together. Help us connect, support and empower planners throughout the great expanses of the West to improve our communities.

As a planner in the West, you are not alone. We’re with you. We’re in this, together.
— Megan Nelms, AICP

Help build up a network of planners: Western Planner Resources is a non-profit working alongside 13 states and numerous organizations to build a network of planners in the West. From the “1-person office” to assisting state planning organizations, we want to help empower all western planners to improve their communities throughout the West. Donations help us develop and increase that network, helping planners make connections throughout the West.


Recognition on website
Recognition in journal
Recognition on website homepage
ANNUAL $250 $100 $50 $25

Support exclusive content by planners for planners: The Western Planner Journal content is written by practicing planners in the West who understand the challenges of planning in the West. Our articles peer reviewed. Our archive of practical experience and western focus stretches back to 1979. Donations help us focus more time on developing content to make you a better planner.

Support personal and professional connections: The Western Planner conferences have become the go-to event for small town, county, rural and tribal planners in the West. Donations help us increase our ability to keep costs low, provide scholarships to more planners, and attract a wider range of speakers.

Help us advocate for planning in the West: Many local leaders don’t understand the real value of planning. In addition, many organizations don’t fully appreciate the unique aspects of planning in the Western U.S. Donations help our outreach and education to help all relevant organizations in the West understand both the value and challenges of planning in the West.

Donate (Individual)