President's Message: What's Doing? August

Dan Pava, FAICP; President, Western Planner Resources

Late summer greetings to all! As mentioned previously, I am reinstating the tradition of including a president’s message with each new online journal. Now, during these “dog days” of August, I am pleased to reach out once more. Dog days refers to the fact that one can see the stars of Canus Major (the big dog) in the predawn sky all over the lands of the Western Planner. We are indeed most fortunate to be able to enjoy more starlight than streetlight over much of our terrain. 

This issue includes two articles prepared by our board members. Each is about resiliency: one more inwardly and the other outwardly. In Mitigation “Plan(t)ing Donna Bye asks “…do we consider the psychological and emotional damage—collectively and individually—from natural disasters?” She proposes seven lessons that must be “planted and cultivated long before the cataclysms come crashing into our lives and towns.” She reminds us, “You too can be a seed for your community to help it grow. I invite you to consider bringing your talents forward to be the good seeds your community needs.” 

In Flood Factor:  Review of a New Online Modeling Tool Angela Parker, who is a certified floodplain manager, provides her personal account and observations about using the Association of State Floodplain Managers new Flood Factor software. This article is typical of our focus on practical tools that Western Planners can use to enhance community resiliency. 

The WPR board is also committed to support the ongoing efforts of the Tribal and Indigenous Interest Group to reestablish as an APA Division. This issue also includes an update on this important initiative. And remember, we are a network and you can contribute by being a sponsor of each issue. Contribute by offering your stories of western planning for our peer-reviewed Journal. Our next issue will include stories from planners on the COVID-19 Frontier. What are some of the pressing issues and how are planners dealing with them? Written something already? Submit articles to by August 31st.  

Due to concerns about the ongoing pandemic, the Western Planner Board proactively decided to postpone the Bismarck conference that would be happening this August, but we have also committed to North Dakota in 2022. We have also joined with APA Arizona to hold our 2021 conference in the Phoenix area. Programming has already begun for this “hot” conference and we will keep you posted on further details. 

By the way, we are still looking to fill our vacant board seats with qualified representatives to round out the WPR network as we have openings for Oregon, Nevada, California, Montana, and some at-large positions. You can contact me for details at

Paul Moberly